Sunday, 19 July 2009

Making forgot password page

Firstly, a form, which is created in "forgotPassword.php" file, has an action interracting with "sendPassword.php" file.

the form in Firefox Browser looks like:

In "sendPassword.php" file, I made a connection path

Extracting values from "forgotpassword.php" file

Check if username exist in the database

generate a random password

Update the random password with the old password

Putting my email in header mail and setting up a mail body

Testing my function in Browser:

a form in forgotPassword.php

Validation Checking

After checking, I go back to the form and input "thientanchuong" in the textfield
then I get a confirmed message:

Finally I check the sent password in my email

However, the password is shown in encrypte format, not in normal way. I need to change a line of code which is.

I replaced a variable $upassword with $password. Afterward, I try to send a new password to my email again.

This time is worked.

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